May 12, 2010

AXO Sponsorship

Riding my Suzuki motorcycle up to the front door of the brand new Yamaha headquarters here in Brisbane, I sigh with relief, as I wasn’t the only bright yellow motorcycle in the car park. I was here to meet Nicola from AXO and Shaun, from Shaun Lang Photography. Walking into the reception, I was mistaken for someone that was here for the nation wide meeting and promptly sent to the kitchen where everyone was mingling. Luckily, for me Shaun was sitting at a long white boardroom table within in a glass ‘fish tank’ of a meeting room. 

  The car park was full when I arrived!

Shaking Shaun hand, I instantly feel at ease. Sitting down I sense his excitement as he starts asking question straight away. Shaun pulls his phone out and places it between us to record my every word. Nervous feeling enter my tummy at the thought of been recorded, I try to relax. Nicola walks into the room and I was finally able to meet the person at the other end of my emails. Nicola leaves with everyone else who is there for the meeting and I follow Shaun’s taxi into town to their hotel.

After finding a motorcycle park, I help Shaun unload his bags. He had been discussing why he was here with the taxi driver. As the driver jumps back into his seat, to turns to me ‘I hope you find what you’re looking for’. It’s an interesting statement. On my last trip, I was defiantly looking to grow within myself. However, this time I hope to inspire people, especially woman to follow their dreams.

I ended up spending the whole day with Shaun. I relaxed and answered his many questions about my trip and where I got my passion. In the early afternoon, I rode my bike down to the underside of the story bridge where I thought would make a nice location for a photograph. Shaun sets my bike into position and then asks me to sit on the bike looking away from the city. Feeling slightly silly, I follow his instructions. 

Shaun then asks me to do something I wouldn’t normally do. I sat down on the ground outside an old wharf building, with my motorcycle in the distance. He set up the video camera in front of me, and placed a microphone on me. Shaun then asked me tailored questions he asked me earlier, but this time I was able to put everything together. Trying to pull my nerves aside and speak clearly and coherently, I was still sweating. With my whole my story recorded onto the camera, I was finally off the hook. We packed up the gear and headed to the bar for a drink. I only wish I had the drink before hand!

Nicola was able to join us as we ended the day with drinks and dinner. It has been a brilliant day. It was an opportunity that I would have shied away from in the pass, due to my shyness. However, I am really glad I meet these two great guys.

Thanks to AXO, who have kindly donated to me a pair of motorcycle pants, jacket, and a pair of boots.

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