September 30, 2010

MSR + Platypus Joins the Adventure

With only a two weeks until I leave, I was astounded when I received an email, that Cascade Designs would like to sponsor me. I replied quickly, with a huge whooohoo - but it came with a steep condition. They had to get me the gear in less than two weeks. 

When I arrived home, last night I was pleasantly surprised to find two large boxes containing, a MSR Hubba Hubba tent, MSR Dragonfly Petrol Stove, a MSR fuel bottle, the 2011 MSR Quick One - cooking for one pot and cup,the Platypus 2L hands free hydration and my favourite a PlatyPreserve (wine preservation bag).

Thank you for your support Cascade Designs. I am really looking forward to sleeping in my new tent! 

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