March 21, 2011

Beautiful Hampi

I walk around the township of Hampi, with a clear head. I was finally awake enough to see the finer details. Lining the streets was small tourist trinket shops all begging you to come into there shops. I walked straight pasted and headed for the surrounding rocks, temples and stones.

It is really hard to write about this town, so I am just going to post photographs to show you what is like. To date this is my favorite place in India. I could have stayed here for much longer, but I had to get somewhere to organize my Pakistan visa. 

In the morning the cows were herded through the city to the feild

These are a lot like the round fishing boats I saw in Vietnam

I watched this woman curl up in the shade of this stone and fall sleep... Indians can sleep anywhere

I came across this tree, it had small bags and cloth tied to the tree with stones to weight it down

And piles of stones around the base of the tree

A woman carrying refreshments on her head

No matter where you go in India you always find a single shoe

Another one

Everyone in the world has to do their washing, its a common thing which i love to look at.

Filling up their water buckets

A small detail carved into the temple walls

On my second day of wondering, I got out my Ipod, listening to Indian

I actually just finished filming myself when I turned around and nearly stood on this guy. Thats before he climbed the wall!

And one more lost shoe - does the owner walk with only one on to go home?

Video – please visit my website as the video does not work in email form.

Every morning, I would come out of my guest house to find these goat still in bed!

I walked to the top of the mountain that towers above the village. I had to be very careful as the huge pieces of stone were actually quite loose and in some places I had to climb over large bolders

Video – please visit my website as the video does not work in email form.

On the other side, I found nice new set of stairs.

Every time i turned around I could help but gasp at the contrast between the natural stone and the carefully constructed stone stair case.

At the bottom, I found myself in this tiny path, coming around the corner I scared the living s**t out of myself and a local! 

I ended up here, in an over grown field.

1 comment:

Chriss said...

Awesome photos. Can see why it is a fav place. Love the temples. Would love to see them, just sit and soak it in. Love you

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